The Icy Aurora Forest
Sunday, October 18, 2015
I've always had a personal interest in dream interpretation, tarot cards, crystals, meditation, and positive mentality in regards to creating a life that is perfect for you. As a psychology major, this also ties in to wanting to be a life coach for those in need to send encouragement on reaching goals. In that, I have decided to launch some services through Kasamba. Right now my specialties are intuitive readings, universal laws (the law of attraction), and dream analysis. Please feel free to contact me using the button below for live chat sessions. If I am not online, feel free to send me an e-mail from the profile to set up an appointment. I also will to tarot and crystal readings by request at this time.
Friday, June 12, 2015
I haven't written anything since I have arrived in Finland. I have had so many thoughts and feelings that it is hard to put into words. In fact, I notice I have a lot of issues writing thoughts and feelings or even explaining them in verbal form. It is quite massive to have such a dream stand before you. You can get everything you want and be so blown away by it that you are left speechless. For me it wasn't only one dream, but two. When I first arrived in March the snow was still on the ground, ice covered some sidewalks. There was a certain comfort and purity that surrounded when I arrived and the snow was falling. It was the beginning of restarting everything all over again, just as I had wanted. I was thankful to have been able to have this chance, not many people get the chance to start over again. Literally all over again. It's like being re-born. You have to learn how to speak the language again, how to write in the language again. As enlightening as it is, there have been times I feel like I am taking on a lot. It doesn't stress me out. I know everything will work out with time, as it always has. I didn't know I'd end up married, for instance. Who wouldn't want to marry the person they've thought about for over two years and allowed them to start a new life? I can't even put into words what kind of love that is. It's too much for me to even explain, but real, none the less. Rather than just words. I feel like I've only been given *just* words in the past, but that doesn't matter anymore. I don't think anything really hit me about being here, emotionally, until I went to Helsinki alone. I had to go there to go to the US embassy to get my paperwork to clarify I wasn't married in the states. I sat in Senate Square and walked along the shore. I thought silently to myself. "Wow, I am actually here. I actually am in Finland, a dream I have had forever. I kept my promise to myself and struggled endlessly to make it happen," All I have to say is it has been a long road, and I am happy to be where I am, with the person I am with. I still have such a long way to go, but for once... I feel like I can focus on the present because I don't have this nagging feeling to go ''home''...
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Sigur Ros: Glósóli -- Ch. II Music and Memories
Sigur Ros: Glósóli --
Around September 2013 -- After rekindling my wanderlust, returning from Holland and going to France.. . Moving back home, I wanted to apply to go to school in Finland. I remember these visions as a particularly refreshing feeling, to restart, go somewhere else, the thought of snow seemed to symbolize somewhat of a purification, cleansing of anything remotely depressive of the past. I scrolled through housing options, and when I looked, at them, it's almost as if for a moment, I was there..I'd done these same things looking at places in Tampere a year prior...But the time didn't feel right for that location. Something I'd always wanted to do, but something would always distract me from actually acting on it. It's a feeling that went back to 2009 when I first started feeling I should make some serious changes. This time I made it a point to try. This was a time I was thinking Vaasa might be right for me. I tried to apply for housing, only to find out a year later, they were overbooked, and that's why I had never received a response. Though, it's just as well..As much as I liked Vaasa when I visited in August, Tampere, was a better fit..Everything is in walking distance, more career opportunities seemed present (don't ask me how I knew, I measured by feeling.) Anyway, going back again 2013 Sept... In the midst of these thoughts, the longing to leave grew strong. It was like the more I ignored the dreams, the feelings, I should go, the more it consumed me trying to bring me back again.
Especially now after my visit, and various series of events, three particular dreams still come to mind.
--One, which occurred in 2011 - this one is only a fragment.. being outside, sun was still up.. looking at my phone to see what time it was, 11:50pm... Looking around me there was a small group of people, Miika included, and saying 'the sun is still up?'...We were at a festival waiting in line.
--The other which occurred in early 2013 - being led to what looked like a campus, with whom I will be living with, but still heavily forested, led to what looked like a giant rock. He opened it up and there was a giant triangle, and what appeared to be some sort of key. I felt I would be learning something from this person. Either way, it would be something that help me, and him, too. It always remained somewhat of mystery, especially at that time. I didn't know what it meant yet. I'd almost forgotten of this one until this song made me recall it: The Sounds: Crossing the Rubicon:
" The phrase "crossing the Rubicon" has survived to refer to any individual or group committing itself irrevocably to a risky or revolutionary course of action, similar to the modern phrase "passing the point of no return".
Maybe none less then four days later I found out that he had purchased this instrument, which is of triangular shape... (i.e. Russian Balalaika)
And then, of course, the dream from September 2013 from my previous post: The Perfect Stranger (scroll to last story on page)
All of this unfolded when I listened to Glósóli tonight... It's interesting to reflect every now and then on the unexplainable occurrences in life...In studying psychology I've learned that there is so much that we as humans, sense that cannot be heard, touched, or seen. Rather felt through transmissions of energy. We all contain energy. Energy is not bound by space, nor time.
Around September 2013 -- After rekindling my wanderlust, returning from Holland and going to France.. . Moving back home, I wanted to apply to go to school in Finland. I remember these visions as a particularly refreshing feeling, to restart, go somewhere else, the thought of snow seemed to symbolize somewhat of a purification, cleansing of anything remotely depressive of the past. I scrolled through housing options, and when I looked, at them, it's almost as if for a moment, I was there..I'd done these same things looking at places in Tampere a year prior...But the time didn't feel right for that location. Something I'd always wanted to do, but something would always distract me from actually acting on it. It's a feeling that went back to 2009 when I first started feeling I should make some serious changes. This time I made it a point to try. This was a time I was thinking Vaasa might be right for me. I tried to apply for housing, only to find out a year later, they were overbooked, and that's why I had never received a response. Though, it's just as well..As much as I liked Vaasa when I visited in August, Tampere, was a better fit..Everything is in walking distance, more career opportunities seemed present (don't ask me how I knew, I measured by feeling.) Anyway, going back again 2013 Sept... In the midst of these thoughts, the longing to leave grew strong. It was like the more I ignored the dreams, the feelings, I should go, the more it consumed me trying to bring me back again.
Especially now after my visit, and various series of events, three particular dreams still come to mind.
--One, which occurred in 2011 - this one is only a fragment.. being outside, sun was still up.. looking at my phone to see what time it was, 11:50pm... Looking around me there was a small group of people, Miika included, and saying 'the sun is still up?'...We were at a festival waiting in line.
--The other which occurred in early 2013 - being led to what looked like a campus, with whom I will be living with, but still heavily forested, led to what looked like a giant rock. He opened it up and there was a giant triangle, and what appeared to be some sort of key. I felt I would be learning something from this person. Either way, it would be something that help me, and him, too. It always remained somewhat of mystery, especially at that time. I didn't know what it meant yet. I'd almost forgotten of this one until this song made me recall it: The Sounds: Crossing the Rubicon:
" The phrase "crossing the Rubicon" has survived to refer to any individual or group committing itself irrevocably to a risky or revolutionary course of action, similar to the modern phrase "passing the point of no return".
Maybe none less then four days later I found out that he had purchased this instrument, which is of triangular shape... (i.e. Russian Balalaika)
And then, of course, the dream from September 2013 from my previous post: The Perfect Stranger (scroll to last story on page)
All of this unfolded when I listened to Glósóli tonight... It's interesting to reflect every now and then on the unexplainable occurrences in life...In studying psychology I've learned that there is so much that we as humans, sense that cannot be heard, touched, or seen. Rather felt through transmissions of energy. We all contain energy. Energy is not bound by space, nor time.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
The truth gives you wings...
This is probably the most important lesson I have learned... And that of trusting it. In order to develop or manifest anything to come to be - you must trust your instincts. Do not let fear of the unknown scare you - instead, walk toward it and you maybe surprised what it brings you.
Really old drawing I sketched in 2011 - reference taken from wings that I found laying on the sidewalk that I snapped a photo of on an evening walk...
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Sigur Ros - Music and Memories
Sigur Ros --
Headed home from Europe, I boarded the plane. I reached into my bag to get my IPod and IPad - both were dead. I plugged my headset into the plane's entertainment system. Sigur Ros was listed, I hadn't listened to them much but the name seemed familiar. I'm glad I took a chance listening to the band. The whole album made me reflect.... in those reflections, was even stronger affirmations that I felt more at home away from America, then I did, in it.
Whenever this song begins to play - it reminds me of my visit to the Netherlands and France. Riding my bike through the woods on the island of Treschelling, walking on the beach, eating in amazing resturants. Everything felt like a giant daydream. When I was a kid, Joke would come to visit us in America. Joke lived in America for quite some time and was friends with my mother throughout her pregnancy with me. She was the day of my birth, one of the first to hold me. Little did I know our bond would be such an important thing as I grew older. She ended up moving back to Holland. When I was about 8, she came to visit. I remember Enya's Sail Away song, playing, and ever since associated it with Joke. I always wondered what it would be like to go to Holland and always wanted to go there. A year before going - I remember dreaming of Amsterdam. The same year - she came to visit.. During that visit I told her I was ready to go there. I kept my word.
Then of course, the memories of Paris... Primarily seeing the Eiffel Tower for the first time, and how I felt indescribable feelings of warmth and "Wow, this is really it, I'm here.. I've made it.''
These were some of my first affirmations that my intuition telling me to get away were nothing but valid. It made me realize there is still magic left in the world. I have yet to find better words to explain it. The more I follow my heart to destinations I feel I belong, the more alive I feel, the easier things fall together. After making it that far across the world alone. I knew I was ready to go to Finland.
Every song I listen to - has memories within it that are nice to unlock from time to time, and hold a special place in my heart.
Headed home from Europe, I boarded the plane. I reached into my bag to get my IPod and IPad - both were dead. I plugged my headset into the plane's entertainment system. Sigur Ros was listed, I hadn't listened to them much but the name seemed familiar. I'm glad I took a chance listening to the band. The whole album made me reflect.... in those reflections, was even stronger affirmations that I felt more at home away from America, then I did, in it.
Whenever this song begins to play - it reminds me of my visit to the Netherlands and France. Riding my bike through the woods on the island of Treschelling, walking on the beach, eating in amazing resturants. Everything felt like a giant daydream. When I was a kid, Joke would come to visit us in America. Joke lived in America for quite some time and was friends with my mother throughout her pregnancy with me. She was the day of my birth, one of the first to hold me. Little did I know our bond would be such an important thing as I grew older. She ended up moving back to Holland. When I was about 8, she came to visit. I remember Enya's Sail Away song, playing, and ever since associated it with Joke. I always wondered what it would be like to go to Holland and always wanted to go there. A year before going - I remember dreaming of Amsterdam. The same year - she came to visit.. During that visit I told her I was ready to go there. I kept my word.
Then of course, the memories of Paris... Primarily seeing the Eiffel Tower for the first time, and how I felt indescribable feelings of warmth and "Wow, this is really it, I'm here.. I've made it.''
These were some of my first affirmations that my intuition telling me to get away were nothing but valid. It made me realize there is still magic left in the world. I have yet to find better words to explain it. The more I follow my heart to destinations I feel I belong, the more alive I feel, the easier things fall together. After making it that far across the world alone. I knew I was ready to go to Finland.
Every song I listen to - has memories within it that are nice to unlock from time to time, and hold a special place in my heart.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Sometimes at night when I am working here by myself... with Hammock playing.. I feel an unknown presence with me. Luring my mind away into another dimension of daydreams. Only a peek into the next chapter of what is to come.. I've been getting these glimpses for 5 years now, when the journey began... The magical thing is, these glimpses are no longer just a daydream, but soon to be reality. Amidst chaos, my mind has always been able to find solace in a comforting thought. In a life of uncertainty, it's nice to feel the ground beneath my feet. Just as long as to run off the edge of the cliff and fly away, across the sea. Deja vu is scary to some, but can be enlightening to most. I am ready to say goodbye to the chaotic events held over my head for years. There is nothing most permanently scarring then to be blamed for things in which you never had a voice in the first place.
As the date of departure draws near, I remember why I started in the first place. I remember the pain I used to harbor. Through all the pain, I decided not to point my finger at those around me, but look to myself for the answers, and I am glad they came to me. Depression can be a deep seed to bear when you do not understand it's purpose. Understanding that you are just receptive to those around you, and events to come, are not necessarily sourcing themselves from you, is the most important lesson. Empathy is a powerful thing. A tool both useful and detrimental, to learn about yourself, and your surroundings. Sometimes I feel like being sensitive to these things makes me feel alien to most people in the world. The world that is so concerned about their daily process of money making, robotic life, with no real joy. Only fooling themselves to feel important. When in fact, all the distractions are used to mask their true inner emptiness. I almost feel like through my actions, and living through my heart rather than doing what everyone else, does, should be used as a source of inspiration. Don't be afraid to fail a few times along the way, just remember that you truly have nothing to lose when you have already lost everything.
As the date of departure draws near, I remember why I started in the first place. I remember the pain I used to harbor. Through all the pain, I decided not to point my finger at those around me, but look to myself for the answers, and I am glad they came to me. Depression can be a deep seed to bear when you do not understand it's purpose. Understanding that you are just receptive to those around you, and events to come, are not necessarily sourcing themselves from you, is the most important lesson. Empathy is a powerful thing. A tool both useful and detrimental, to learn about yourself, and your surroundings. Sometimes I feel like being sensitive to these things makes me feel alien to most people in the world. The world that is so concerned about their daily process of money making, robotic life, with no real joy. Only fooling themselves to feel important. When in fact, all the distractions are used to mask their true inner emptiness. I almost feel like through my actions, and living through my heart rather than doing what everyone else, does, should be used as a source of inspiration. Don't be afraid to fail a few times along the way, just remember that you truly have nothing to lose when you have already lost everything.
Friday, January 16, 2015
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