Last month... Just before I woke up... I had a dream that I was speaking with a cousin I hardly see. I have maybe only met him once or twice in my life. He specifically told me that the truth will come around again and again, until I choose to accept it. Of course, this applies to many aspects of my waking life. Things that l deemed not possible or expressible by any means. It runs deep. Due to the cryptic nature of what he said, I would think about it from time to time. For a few months now, I have been reading this book, The Intuitive Way... To make a long story short.. I picked up the book because there was a giant white feather on the cover; a few days before small white feathers were randomly floating amongst the house, probably from down pillows in the house...I would go outside, feathers would be falling from the birds flying above... I was naturally drawn to it, most of all, because I have always relied on my intuition for everything... In reading this book, it has been like one giant affirmation of things that I have been feeling or thinking for a long time - that left me with a sense of wonder. Well, needless to say I flipped to the next page in my reading and there it was, as quoted by Mahatma Gandhi "What is Truth? A difficult question; but I have solved it for myself by saying that it is ''what the voice within'' tells you."
This is probably the most important lesson I have learned... And that of trusting it. In order to develop or manifest anything to come to be - you must trust your instincts. Do not let fear of the unknown scare you - instead, walk toward it and you maybe surprised what it brings you.
Really old drawing I sketched in 2011 - reference taken from wings that I found laying on the sidewalk that I snapped a photo of on an evening walk...
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