Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Sigur Ros - Music and Memories

Sigur Ros --

Headed home from Europe, I boarded the plane. I reached into my bag to get my IPod and IPad - both were dead. I plugged my headset into the plane's entertainment system. Sigur Ros was listed, I hadn't listened to them much but the name seemed familiar. I'm glad I took a chance listening to the band. The whole album made me reflect.... in those reflections, was even stronger affirmations that I felt more at home away from America, then I did, in it.

Whenever this song begins to play - it reminds me of my visit to the Netherlands and France. Riding my bike through the woods on the island of Treschelling, walking on the beach, eating in amazing resturants. Everything felt like a giant daydream. When I was a kid, Joke would come to visit us in America. Joke lived in America for quite some time and was friends with my mother throughout her pregnancy with me. She was the day of my birth, one of the first to hold me. Little did I know our bond would be such an important thing as I grew older. She ended up moving back to Holland. When I was about 8, she came to visit. I remember Enya's Sail Away song, playing, and ever since associated it with Joke. I always wondered what it would be like to go to Holland and always wanted to go there. A year before going - I remember dreaming of Amsterdam. The same year - she came to visit.. During that visit I told her I was ready to go there. I kept my word.

Then of course, the memories of Paris... Primarily seeing the Eiffel Tower for the first time, and how I felt indescribable feelings of warmth and "Wow, this is really it, I'm here.. I've made it.''

These were some of my first affirmations that my intuition telling me to get away were nothing but valid. It made me realize there is still magic left in the world. I have yet to find better words to explain it. The more I follow my heart to destinations I feel I belong, the more alive I feel, the easier things fall together. After making it that far across the world alone. I knew I was ready to go to Finland.

Every song I listen to - has memories within it that are nice to unlock from time to time, and hold a special place in my heart.

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